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Pondelok 10.3.2025
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02. februára 2018
Super Bowl LII má jasného favorita v New England Patriots
Zápas Super Bowl v polčase sprestrujú svojimi vystúpeniami speváčky a speváci.

Práve "patriotom" sa v roku 2005 podarilo obhájiť Trofej Vincea Lombardiho ako zatiaľ poslednému tímu NFL. Celkovo majú od roku 1967, keď sa začal hrať Super Bowl, na konte päť prvenstiev a spoločne s Dallasom Cowboys a San Franciscom 49ers figurujú na druhom mieste za šesťnásobným víťazom Pittsburgh Steelers. Pri všetkých triumfoch New England bolo duo Bill Belichick (tréner) a Tom Brady (rozohrávač) a očakáva sa, že ich bohaté skúsenosti budú nad sily "orlov". Hráči Philadelphie sa okrem toho musia celú vyraďovaciu časť spoliehať na náhradného rozohrávača Nicka Folesa, ktorý zaskakuje po zranení jednotky Carsona Wentza.
Napriek jeho absencii sa Eagles príliš nenadreli v konferenčnom finále s Minnesotou, Vikings po jednoznačnom výsledku (38:7) prepásli možnosť odohrať Super Bowl na vlastnom štadióne. Patriots majú za sebou tesnejší zápas (24:20) s príjemným prekvapením ročníka Jacksonville Jaguars. Pred týmto duelom bol otázny Bradyho štart, hviezdny quarterback sa však dal dokopy a mužstvo povedie aj vo svojom ôsmom Super Bowle. Je jeden z dvoch hráčov s piatimi úspechmi, iba on dosiahol všetkých päť vo farbách jedného klubu. "Minulý rok prišla na finále celá moja rodina, bolo to veľmi špeciálne. Teraz nastáva ďalšia šanca a verím, že opäť bude mať šťastný koniec. Nesmierne sa teším do Minnesoty, žije v nej mnoho členov mojej rodiny. Je neuveriteľné, že sa hrá práve v Minnesote, pred pár týždňami som si to ani neuvedomoval," povedal 40-ročný Brady pre CNN.
Philadelphia síce postúpila zo základnej časti ako najvyššie nasadené mužstvo NFC, ale počas celého play off vystupuje v úlohe outsidera, najmä pre zranenie Wentza. Táto pozícia jej však vyhovuje a dokráčala až ku svojej tretej šanci na premiérové víťazstvo v Super Bowle. V roku 1980 nestačila na Oakland Raiders, v roku 2004 podľahla New England. Pre Eagles to tak bude príležitosť na odvetu. "Môj prístup sa zmenil za uplynulé roky. Naučil som sa užívať si aktuálny moment a som zaň vďačný. Po úvodnom výkope sa všetko spomalí, nervy odídu. Len sa sústredíte a nevnímate okolie. Ťažko sa to dá pochopiť, pokiaľ ste to nezažili," povedal Foles.
Super Bowl LII
New England Patriots - Philadelphia Eagles /nedeľa 4. februára (SEČ pondelok 5. februára 0.30 h), U.S. Bank Stadium, Minneapolis, TV Sport 2/
2017: New England Patriots - Atlanta Falcons 34:28 pp
2016: Denver Broncos - Carolina Panthers 24:10
2015: New England Patriots - Seattle Seahawks 28:24
2014: Seattle Seahawks - Denver Broncos 43:8
2013: Baltimore Ravens - San Francisco 49ers 34:31
2012: New York Giants - New England Patriots 21:17
2011: Green Bay Packers - Pittsburgh Steelers 31:25
2010: New Orliens Saints - Indianapolis Colts 31:17
2009: Pittsburgh Steelers - Arizona Cardinals 27:23
2008: New York Giants - New England Patriots 17:14
2007: Indianapolis Colts - Chicago Bears 29:17
2006: Pittsburgh Steelers - Seattle Seahawks 21:10
2005: New England Patriots - Philadelphia Eagles 24:21
2004: New England Patriots - Carolina Panthers 32:29
2003: Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Oakland Raiders 48:21
2002: New England Patriots - St. Louis Rams 20:17
2001: Baltimore Ravens - New York Giants 34:7
2000: St. Louis Rams - Tennessee Titans 23:16
1999: Denver Broncos - Atlanta Falcons 34:19
1998: Denver Broncos - Green Bay Packers 31:24
1997: Green Bay Packers - New England Patriots 35:21
1996: Dallas Cowboys - Piitsburgh Steelers 27:17
1995: San Francisco 49ers - San Diego Chargers 49:26
1994: Dallas Cowboys - Buffalo Bills 30:13
1993: Dallas Cowboys - Buffalo Bills 52:17
1992: Washington Redskins - Buffalo Bills 37:24
1991: New York Giants - Buffalo Bills 20:19
1990: San Francisco 49ers - Denver Broncos 55:10
1989: San Francisco 49ers - Cincinnati Bengals 20:16
1988: Washington Redskins - Denver Broncos 42:10
1987: New York Giants - Denver Broncos 39:20
1986: Chicago Bears - New England Patriots 46:10
1985: San Francisco 49ers - Miami Dolphins 38:16
1984: Los Angeles Raiders - Washington Redskins 38:9
1983: Washington Redskins - Miami Dolphins 27:17
1982: San Francisco 49ers - Cincinnati Bengals 26:21
1981: Oakland Raiders - Philadelphia Eagles 27:10
1980: Pittsburgh Steelers - Los Angeles Rams 31:19
1979: Pittsburgh Steelers - Dallas Cowboys 35:31
1978: Dallas Cowboys - Denver Broncos 27:10
1977: Oakland Raiders - Minnesota Vikings 32:14
1976: Pittsburgh Steelers - Dallas Cowboys 21:17
1975: Pittsburgh Steelers - Minnesota Vikings 16:6
1974: Miami Dolphins - Minnesota Vikings 24:7
1973: Miami Dolphins - Washington Redskins 14:7
1972: Dallas Cowboys - Miami Dolphins 24:3
1971: Baltimore Ravens - Dallas Cowboys 16:13
1970: Kansas City Chiefs - Minnesota Vikings 23:7
1969: New York Jets - Baltimore Ravens 16:7
1968: Green Bay Packers - Oakland Raiders 33:14
1967: Green Bay Packers - Kansas City Chiefs 35:10
1967: Green Bay Packers
1968: Green Bay Packers
1969: New York Jets
1970: Kansas City Chiefs
1971: Baltimore Colts
1972: Dallas Cowboys
1973: Miami Dolphins
1974: Miami Dolphins
1975: Pittsburgh Steelers
1976: Pittsburgh Steelers
1977: Oakland Raiders
1978: Dallas Cowboys
1979: Pittsburgh Steelers
1980: Pittsburgh Steelers
1981: Oakland Raiders
1982: San Francisco 49ers
1983: Washington Redskins
1984: Los Angeles Raiders
1985: San Francisco 49ers
1986: Chicago Bears
1987: New York Giants
1988: Washington Redskins
1989: San Francisco 49ers
1990: San Francisco 49ers
1991: New York Giants
1992: Washington Redskins
1993: Dallas Cowboys
1994: Dallas Cowboys
1995: San Francisco 49ers
1996: Dallas Cowboys
1997: Green Bay Packers
1998: Denver Broncos
1999: Denver Broncos
2000: St. Louis Rams
2001: Baltimore Ravens
2002: New England Patriots
2003: Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2004: New England Patriots
2005: New England Patriots
2006: Pittsburgh Steelers
2007: Indianapolis Colts
2008: New York Giants
2009: Pittsburgh Steelers
2010: New Orliens Saints
2011: Green Bay Packers
2012: New York Giants
2013: Baltimore Ravens
2014: Seattle Seahawks
2015: New England Patriots
2016: Denver Broncos
2017: New England Patriots
najviac titulov od roku 1967:
Pittsburgh Steelers 6
Dallas Cowboys 5
San Francisco 49ers 5
New England Patriots 5
Green Bay Packers 4
New York Giants 4
Zoznam Najužitočnejších hráčov (MVP) Super Bowlu od roku 1967:
2017: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2016: Von Miller (Denver Broncos)
2015: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2014: Malcolm Smith (Seattle Seahawks)
2013: Joe Flacco (Baltimore Ravens)
2012: Eli Manning (New York Giants)
2011: Aaron Rodgers (Green Bay Packers)
2010: Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints)
2009: Santonio Holmes (Pittsburgh Steelers)
2008: Eli Manning (New York Giants)
2007: Peyton Manning (Indianapolis Colts)
2006: Hines Ward (Pittsburgh Steelers)
2005: Deion Branch (New England Patriots)
2004: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2003: Dexter Jackson (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
2002: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2001: Ray Lewis (Baltimore Ravens)
2000: Kurt Warner (St. Louis Rams)
1999: John Elway (Denver Broncos)
1998: Terrell Davis (Denver Broncos)
1997: Desmond Howard (Green Bay Packers)
1996: Larry Brown (Dallas Cowboys)
1995: Steve Young (San Francisco 49ers)
1994: Emmitt Smith (Dallas Cowboys)
1993: Troy Aikman (Dallas Cowboys)
1992: Mark Rypien (Washington Redskins)
1991: Ottis Anderson (New York Giants)
1990: Joe Montana (San Francisco 49ers)
1989: Jerry Rice (San Francisco 49ers)
1988: Doug Williams (Washington Redskins)
1987: Phil Simms (New York Giants)
1986: Richard Dent (Chicago Bears)
1985: Joe Montana (San Francisco 49ers)
1984: Marcus Allen (Los Angeles Raiders)
1983: John Riggins (Washington Redskins)
1982: Joe Montana (San Francisco 49ers)
1981: Jim Plunkett (Oakland Raiders)
1980: Terry Bradshaw (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1979: Terry Bradshaw (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1978: Randy White, Harvey Martin (Dallas Cowboys)
1977: Fred Biletnikoff (Oakland Raiders)
1976: Lynn Swann (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1975: Franco Harris (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1974: Larry Csonka (Miami Dolphins)
1973: Jake Scott (Miami Dolphins)
1972: Roger Staubach (Dallas Cowboys)
1971: Chuck Howley (Dallas Cowboys)
1970: Len Dawson (Kansas City Chiefs)
1969: Joe Namath (New York Jets)
1968: Bart Starr (Green Bay Packers)
1967: Bart Starr (Green Bay Packers)
New England Patriots - Philadelphia Eagles /nedeľa 4. februára (SEČ pondelok 5. februára 0.30 h), U.S. Bank Stadium, Minneapolis, TV Sport 2/
Výsledky finálových zápasov Super Bowlu od roku 1967:
2017: New England Patriots - Atlanta Falcons 34:28 pp
2016: Denver Broncos - Carolina Panthers 24:10
2015: New England Patriots - Seattle Seahawks 28:24
2014: Seattle Seahawks - Denver Broncos 43:8
2013: Baltimore Ravens - San Francisco 49ers 34:31
2012: New York Giants - New England Patriots 21:17
2011: Green Bay Packers - Pittsburgh Steelers 31:25
2010: New Orliens Saints - Indianapolis Colts 31:17
2009: Pittsburgh Steelers - Arizona Cardinals 27:23
2008: New York Giants - New England Patriots 17:14
2007: Indianapolis Colts - Chicago Bears 29:17
2006: Pittsburgh Steelers - Seattle Seahawks 21:10
2005: New England Patriots - Philadelphia Eagles 24:21
2004: New England Patriots - Carolina Panthers 32:29
2003: Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Oakland Raiders 48:21
2002: New England Patriots - St. Louis Rams 20:17
2001: Baltimore Ravens - New York Giants 34:7
2000: St. Louis Rams - Tennessee Titans 23:16
1999: Denver Broncos - Atlanta Falcons 34:19
1998: Denver Broncos - Green Bay Packers 31:24
1997: Green Bay Packers - New England Patriots 35:21
1996: Dallas Cowboys - Piitsburgh Steelers 27:17
1995: San Francisco 49ers - San Diego Chargers 49:26
1994: Dallas Cowboys - Buffalo Bills 30:13
1993: Dallas Cowboys - Buffalo Bills 52:17
1992: Washington Redskins - Buffalo Bills 37:24
1991: New York Giants - Buffalo Bills 20:19
1990: San Francisco 49ers - Denver Broncos 55:10
1989: San Francisco 49ers - Cincinnati Bengals 20:16
1988: Washington Redskins - Denver Broncos 42:10
1987: New York Giants - Denver Broncos 39:20
1986: Chicago Bears - New England Patriots 46:10
1985: San Francisco 49ers - Miami Dolphins 38:16
1984: Los Angeles Raiders - Washington Redskins 38:9
1983: Washington Redskins - Miami Dolphins 27:17
1982: San Francisco 49ers - Cincinnati Bengals 26:21
1981: Oakland Raiders - Philadelphia Eagles 27:10
1980: Pittsburgh Steelers - Los Angeles Rams 31:19
1979: Pittsburgh Steelers - Dallas Cowboys 35:31
1978: Dallas Cowboys - Denver Broncos 27:10
1977: Oakland Raiders - Minnesota Vikings 32:14
1976: Pittsburgh Steelers - Dallas Cowboys 21:17
1975: Pittsburgh Steelers - Minnesota Vikings 16:6
1974: Miami Dolphins - Minnesota Vikings 24:7
1973: Miami Dolphins - Washington Redskins 14:7
1972: Dallas Cowboys - Miami Dolphins 24:3
1971: Baltimore Ravens - Dallas Cowboys 16:13
1970: Kansas City Chiefs - Minnesota Vikings 23:7
1969: New York Jets - Baltimore Ravens 16:7
1968: Green Bay Packers - Oakland Raiders 33:14
1967: Green Bay Packers - Kansas City Chiefs 35:10
Zoznam víťazov Super Bowlu od roku 1967:
1967: Green Bay Packers
1968: Green Bay Packers
1969: New York Jets
1970: Kansas City Chiefs
1971: Baltimore Colts
1972: Dallas Cowboys
1973: Miami Dolphins
1974: Miami Dolphins
1975: Pittsburgh Steelers
1976: Pittsburgh Steelers
1977: Oakland Raiders
1978: Dallas Cowboys
1979: Pittsburgh Steelers
1980: Pittsburgh Steelers
1981: Oakland Raiders
1982: San Francisco 49ers
1983: Washington Redskins
1984: Los Angeles Raiders
1985: San Francisco 49ers
1986: Chicago Bears
1987: New York Giants
1988: Washington Redskins
1989: San Francisco 49ers
1990: San Francisco 49ers
1991: New York Giants
1992: Washington Redskins
1993: Dallas Cowboys
1994: Dallas Cowboys
1995: San Francisco 49ers
1996: Dallas Cowboys
1997: Green Bay Packers
1998: Denver Broncos
1999: Denver Broncos
2000: St. Louis Rams
2001: Baltimore Ravens
2002: New England Patriots
2003: Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2004: New England Patriots
2005: New England Patriots
2006: Pittsburgh Steelers
2007: Indianapolis Colts
2008: New York Giants
2009: Pittsburgh Steelers
2010: New Orliens Saints
2011: Green Bay Packers
2012: New York Giants
2013: Baltimore Ravens
2014: Seattle Seahawks
2015: New England Patriots
2016: Denver Broncos
2017: New England Patriots
najviac titulov od roku 1967:
Pittsburgh Steelers 6
Dallas Cowboys 5
San Francisco 49ers 5
New England Patriots 5
Green Bay Packers 4
New York Giants 4
Zoznam Najužitočnejších hráčov (MVP) Super Bowlu od roku 1967:
2017: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2016: Von Miller (Denver Broncos)
2015: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2014: Malcolm Smith (Seattle Seahawks)
2013: Joe Flacco (Baltimore Ravens)
2012: Eli Manning (New York Giants)
2011: Aaron Rodgers (Green Bay Packers)
2010: Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints)
2009: Santonio Holmes (Pittsburgh Steelers)
2008: Eli Manning (New York Giants)
2007: Peyton Manning (Indianapolis Colts)
2006: Hines Ward (Pittsburgh Steelers)
2005: Deion Branch (New England Patriots)
2004: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2003: Dexter Jackson (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
2002: Tom Brady (New England Patriots)
2001: Ray Lewis (Baltimore Ravens)
2000: Kurt Warner (St. Louis Rams)
1999: John Elway (Denver Broncos)
1998: Terrell Davis (Denver Broncos)
1997: Desmond Howard (Green Bay Packers)
1996: Larry Brown (Dallas Cowboys)
1995: Steve Young (San Francisco 49ers)
1994: Emmitt Smith (Dallas Cowboys)
1993: Troy Aikman (Dallas Cowboys)
1992: Mark Rypien (Washington Redskins)
1991: Ottis Anderson (New York Giants)
1990: Joe Montana (San Francisco 49ers)
1989: Jerry Rice (San Francisco 49ers)
1988: Doug Williams (Washington Redskins)
1987: Phil Simms (New York Giants)
1986: Richard Dent (Chicago Bears)
1985: Joe Montana (San Francisco 49ers)
1984: Marcus Allen (Los Angeles Raiders)
1983: John Riggins (Washington Redskins)
1982: Joe Montana (San Francisco 49ers)
1981: Jim Plunkett (Oakland Raiders)
1980: Terry Bradshaw (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1979: Terry Bradshaw (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1978: Randy White, Harvey Martin (Dallas Cowboys)
1977: Fred Biletnikoff (Oakland Raiders)
1976: Lynn Swann (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1975: Franco Harris (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1974: Larry Csonka (Miami Dolphins)
1973: Jake Scott (Miami Dolphins)
1972: Roger Staubach (Dallas Cowboys)
1971: Chuck Howley (Dallas Cowboys)
1970: Len Dawson (Kansas City Chiefs)
1969: Joe Namath (New York Jets)
1968: Bart Starr (Green Bay Packers)
1967: Bart Starr (Green Bay Packers)
Zdroj: Teraz.sk, spravodajský portál tlačovej agentúry TASR