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16. septembra 2016
Kiska Hopes EU Summit Will Start Restoring People's Trust
Na snímke prezident SR Andrej Kiska.
Na snímke prezident SR Andrej Kiska. Foto: TASR - Branislav Račko
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) – European leaders should focus on the things that bind EU-member states together and beware of solutions that stir up negative emotions among people, said Slovak President Andrej Kiska with respect to the informal EU summit taking place in Bratislava on Friday."I hope that the EU summit in Bratislava will start restoring trust. Our common Europe is worth it," declared Kiska, adding that the EU leaders should clearly determine the main measures to be developed in areas of joint interest and a precise timetable for implementing them. "[Areas] such as security, protection and supervision of Schengen area borders," he added.
Kiska pointed to a "peculiar mood", pessimism and criticism of the EU. "We've forgotten to utter a nice word about the Union, while Brussels has become an offensive word. Despite all of this, the reality and outcomes of European cooperation are far better than this kind of atmosphere," emphasised the president.
It's about a crisis of trust in and the self-confidence of the EU, noted Kiska. "I think that no one possesses a miraculous solution for overcoming this period and restoring trust. However, we can start working towards this end," said Kiska, expressing his wish that the Bratislava summit will put an end to the emotional division of Europe.
"And if only people across Europe were to hear from Bratislava that all ditches have been filled and all chasms spanned; if only Europe sent out a clear signal about its unity and common future," stated the president.
Zdroj: Teraz.sk, spravodajský portál tlačovej agentúry TASR